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About us - "our story continues"

We Live, We Love,We Serve

Director: Chris McLaughlin

I was at Ridgecrest Baptist Church during the mission Week in 2013. While walking by a table and sensing the Lord telling me to check out a local ministry, I asked for some info from the person serving. Two years later, someone invited me to a weekly men’s group. The Leader was a Lifebuilders Board member/volunteer. I went into the group; broken, shattered as a man, couldn’t lead a horse to water, much less lead a ministry. God used the leader Tim and the other men through the Word, prayer, accountability, time and friendship to heal my bruised and broken heart.  The Lord has blessed me to go out to the broken and shattered people in this world and present, The Way, The Truth, and The Life.  I have watched Jesus show himself to be who he said He Is, Was and always will be. 

As I am called into this ministry to be led by the Good Shephard, my wife and daughter have also been called alongside.   We are hoping for more moments like the woman at the well, Centurion faith, Healing of the beggar and even Moses back up against the red sea on purpose that only has the “I Am” to rescue and Deliver.  Our heart is that others may see that God still does the impossible for those who have inherited salvation.

I know Jesus is Lord! He has come and defeated the works of the Devil and his schemes, all principalities and powers, all wickedness in all realms.  May the Lord’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven in all generations, with the Proclamation of the good news of Jesus Christ and all his works.


Chris McLaughlin

Lifebuilders Ministries’ Director


Office Manger: Abigail McLaughlin

I was called into the ministry when I was a sophomore in high school. I never thought I would end up being a local missionary. After seeing the large need in the US I understand how important it is to have workers in our local fields, collecting the harvest

We have the privilege to bring Hope to the hopeless. We can watch adults and kids understand there is freedom in the name of Jesus, there is power in the cross and there is a gift in the ultimate sacrifice. I encourage all to give time, resources and prayer to local missions so we can be a part of the harvest happening in our own backyard.


Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Matthew 9:37-38 (NIV)

Board Member: Donna Holmes

Donna Holmes God has taken me on an amazing Journey…  I am now retired from a long life in computer software and living life as a single professional which has taught me 3 main lessons in life:

First Life Lesson:

All people have issues which need Healing. If we did not, we would not need Jesus.  If we stick with Jesus and His Word; Jesus can and will bring healing because He knows me and fearfully and wonderfully made me. Life verse: Psalm 139:13-14
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful; I know that full well.

My Second Life Lesson:

God has a plan for my life, My responsibility is Go Forward, Stand Firm, See Jesus deliver. Key verses: Jeremiah 29:11 &       2 Chronicles 20:15b,17 11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. God gave me a lifelong promise 2 Chronicles 20:15,17 15 …. This is what the Lord says to you: ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army (vast hurt, vast disadvantage, vast disappointment). For the battle is not yours, but God’s .... 17 You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you, Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the Lord will be with you.’”

My Third Life Lesson:

God does not allow any area of our lives to go void. My life may have seemed worthless to me but God can use every negative trial, failure, disappointment and turn them into positive value as we testify to the good news of God’s grace. Key verse:    Acts 20:24 However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.

My journey is not over and I am excited to see how God will use my life and life lessons within Lifebuilders and the remainder of the good years God has ahead for me..

Board Member: Erica Wheeler

My name is Erica Wheeler. My husband and I live in Republic, MO and attend James River Church.

I learned of Life Builders Ministry from Abby McLaughlin who is a close friend of ours. I've had the opportunity to volunteer at several events at Life Builders over the last two years. I now have the privilege to serve as the secretary to the board. My pastor always says, 'find out where God is moving and go be a part of it.' I believe that God is moving in this ministry to change the lives of hundreds of people!! I am very excited to see what God does through Life Builders in the coming years!!

Board Member: Dedra Smith

Dedra Smith is now a Board member and has been a volunteer for 10 years at  Glenwood with her Husband Michael, and two kids. This family is passionate for loving, teaching and sharing  Jesus Christ.  They have been incredibly faithful to the calling. We are looking forward to building the Kingdom of God with the talents and Gifts that she's been given.

Site Leaders: Bolivar Road & Heritage Tower

Ralph and Helen Wright: Helen (My Wife) and I started at Villa Marie helping with the dinners the second Tuesday of the month provided by our church. She was asked by Sandy Shull if she would like to serve by teaching the children.  She readily started teaching, and I (Ralph)  started going and helping her and we both fell head over heels in love with the children. We served there for about 8 years and loved it. The Lord started speaking to me about serving at Bolivar Road. About a month later, Helen asked me what I thought about Bolivar Road. She then explained she  couldn't get the children and the adults at Bolivar Road off her mind and how they needed Jesus. I explained to her that the Lord had laid Bolivar Road on my heart too. We prayed about it and talked to Abby and Chris about starting the Bible study there again, we were still praying about it. One Sunday night Helen went to the alter and asked the Lord to send us volunteers so we could get started at Bolivar Road. After services were over we had our volunteers! People started coming up to us asking questions and saying they wanted to serve there too.

God has supplied us with many wonderful people to minister to the people at Bolivar Road.

In 2021, we started serving as the site leaders at Heritage Tower to fill a need. We had been primarily working with kids before then and weren't sure if it was going to be a good fit but we instantly fell in love with the residents and Heritage Tower; they are hungry for more of God!

We are so happy to be serving with Lifebuilders and for the blessings he continues to give us each week at Bolivar Road and Heritage Tower. 

Site Leaders: Villa Marie

Vic and Sandy Shull: are the site leaders of Villa Marie. We answered His call in the Spring of 2002. There are many reasons that are blessings to us that we can serve His Majesty, Our Lord Jesus Christ. We can be home missionaries. We can serve the brokenness of people who don't have a lot of resources. We can see Him at work and see the Glory and Mercy He bestows freely. We can raise children and give them knowledge about Him. All in all we are happy, honored, and proud to be where He has placed us. All of it would not be possible if not for all of the volunteers, and the resources that He raises up and puts in place for His great and wonderful Glory.

Site Leader: Madison Tower

Patty Mobley: I was one of those who tried to do life my way, always sure I would never be 'good enough' for God to reach. When I finally gave my heart to Jesus I wanted to tell everyone about Him and serve Him any way I could. My heart breaks for the lost that don't know Him, and also for those 'baby Christians' who have come to know Him and then are told 'Go live for Christ' without any instruction on what that means; what it looks like with arms and legs! Told to 'read the Bible,' they are not taught how to study it to know Him more. So they miss out on the most wonderful part of being a Christian – growing an ever deeper relationship with Him.

I was told to contact Lifebuilders, I think as a way to get me to stop asking where I could serve at my church! I quickly found my heart wanting to reach out to the residents; my story was so much like their's and I wanted to show them how life changing His love is and how wonderful a life lived with Him can be. I love serving with Lifebuilders; I am building relationships where discipleship follows; where I can tell others what I have learned as well as learn from their experiences. We are all on this journey together and the Holy Spirit is still our best teacher and our best example. The more He teaches me about Himself, and the closer He draws me, the more I long to please and honor Him, and show others how to love Him more. 

Site Leaders: South Tower

Jose and Pamela Martinez: "We feel very blessed to be a part of Lifebuilders ministries here at South Tower. it is a wonderful opportunity to actually fulfill the work of Christ and take the church out into the community. In a perfect world everyone would have the means and opportunity to attend church services in a regular church setting and traditional church building. Unfortunately a significant percentage of our population does not have that choice.           

Lifebuilders trains and equips their volunteers to go out and take the Love of Christ into the communities where people can not attend churches elsewhere. Through this training we have learned to reach out in love in so many different and unique situations. From hearing someone give a testimony of now having a reason to wake up in the morning with a purpose in life, to giving a memorial service for a man that dedicated his life in giving to others. The blessings of getting to know these very special people come back to us everyday. The best part is that the connections we have made through this very needed Ministry are eternal".


Phone Number: 417-873-9572




Office Address: 1942 S. Stewart

Springfield, Mo. 65804

© Lifebuilders Ministries, Inc. 2020 501 C 3 Non Profit

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